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Main character

What does Main character mean?

Something similar to being the extreme opposite of being an NPC, someone who wants to be the center of attention, thus, "main character syndrome."

What does Main character mean?

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Definition of Main character

Something similar to being the extreme opposite of being an NPC, someone who wants to be the center of attention, thus, "main character syndrome."

When is Main character used?

Main character is often used to describe someone who acts as if their life is a central story of importance.

Examples of using Main character


She's got main character energy, always in the spotlight.


Living like I'm the main character today.


You think you're the main character of everything, huh?

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“Main character” vibes mean someone’s the star of the show. Get the context in our Gen Z Slang Dictionary. For a distraction-free browsing setup, download AstroSafe.


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