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What does IDGAF mean?

"I don't give a f*ck" It's similar to when someone says "I don't care."

What does IDGAF mean?

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Definition of IDGAF

"I don't give a f*ck" It's similar to when someone says "I don't care."

When is IDGAF used?

IDGAF is often used when trying to stress that one does not care about something, typically among close friends.

Examples of using IDGAF


IDGAF what they think, I'm doing it my way.


He says he IDGAF, but you can tell he's hurt.


IDGAF about the gossip, it's all noise to me.

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“IDGAF” might sound edgy, but we’ll explain in our Gen Z Slang Dictionary. Shield your kids online—download AstroSafe for focused, worry-free browsing.


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