AstroSafe Search is live and it’s FREE!

What is it and how can teachers and families use it?

December 5, 2024

1 min
AstroSafe Search is live and it’s FREE!

AstroSafe Search is finally live, and it’s FREE to use straight from our website, but what is it, and how can you use it? We’ll keep it short and snappy, with some visuals. Give it a go, and we hope you like it!

Give it a go, and we hope you like it! It’s like a Wikipedia, but with 30,000+ pages written for kids. And it lets kids consume and view pages according to their reading age. If you already use Kiddle or Kid Rex, its that, but good!

- 3 to 6 - Easy to read, large fonts, fun and engaging
- 6 to 8 - More facts, interesting and educational
- 8 to 12 - Even more detail, useful for school research

Every page comes rich with fact, adapted to the reading age, and a handy focus mode for presenting the page on a whiteboard in a classroom setting.

Additionally, every single page has a questionnaire at the end to test your knowledge of what you’ve just read. A nice bit of interactivity to test your knowledge.

The content is vast! People, Places, Events, Sciences, History, Oddities… we’ve got it all! And we’ve also got something kids would enjoy, like a Pokemon or Minecraft Wiki!

We’ve made sure to include pages and topics that align to Common Core, K-12, Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2 curriculums, so you can let your students use it for research.

It’s FREE for all to use in any browser, and for a much safer experience its also available for FREE inside of the AstroSafe App, which is a kid-safe browser for children.

We hope you enjoy it, and here’s to making the Internet a safer place for children in homes and schools where-ever they may be!

With LOVE,
Team AstroSafe

Authors Bio

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AstroSafe Content Team

The AstroSafe content team is committed to creating high-quality and child-friendly content that aims to help educators, parents, and guardians make it easier for students to learn important subjects for their development. Our team of writers have extensive experience at creating content for a multitude of subjects intended for children ages 12 and below.

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