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🚀 The Herschel Space Observatory was launched by the European Space Agency on May 14, 2009.
🌌 It was named after William Herschel, the astronomer who discovered Uranus in 1781.
✨ Herschel could see far-infrared light, which helps study cold objects in space.
📏 The telescope was about the size of a bus, measuring 3.5 meters long.
❄️ It used a special helium system to keep cool at around -271°C.
🧪 Herschel had three main instruments: HIFI, SPIRE, and PACS to study light, dust, and wavelengths.
🌍 The telescope was launched from French Guiana, located in South America.
🎉 One of its key discoveries was finding organic molecules in space, important for life.
💾 Herschel collected over 25 terabytes of data for scientists to analyze.
🌟 Even after it stopped working in 2013, its findings are still helping scientists today.
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